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Webinar: GDPR compliance in recruitment
Webinar: GDPR compliance in recruitment

In-depth overview of the legal framework

Triin Elias avatar
Written by Triin Elias
Updated over a week ago

This article gives you access to a webinar recording hosted in May 2024 with Sorainen Law firm to offer you a in-depth overview of the terminology and legal framework on GDPR compliance in recruitment.

Webinar agenda breakdown and timeline

3:18 Introduction to the problem with data management.

  • With using an ATS, you have data gathered into one place from various different sources. How to manage them in a unified way?

  • Principles of being Data Controller and the responsibilities of Data Processor

  • The responsibility for recruiters - how to design a GDPR compliant recruitment process?

4:37 Presentation by Pirkko-Liis Harkmaa from Sorainen Law firm.

  • 5:50 The legal framework for GDPR

  • 7:40 GDPR basics - what is personal data?

  • 15:00 GDPR terms within the recruitment process

  • 17:25 Key principles of data processing

    • 25:00 Importance of Job Ads

    • 28:20 Legal Grounds for data processing - legitimate interest and candidate consent

    • 35:04 Privacy Notice for candidates

    • 40:40 Data retention - how long can you keep candidate data?

    • 42:42 Rights of candidates

  • 44:42 Other important aspects on liability

  • 49:45 Consequences of non-compliance

52:35 FAQ by recruiters.

56:34 Using Teamdash to design and automate a GDPR compliant recruitment process and Talent Pool management.

For more insights and updates on GDPR compliance in recruitment, read our latest blog post HERE.

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