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Distance Search

Using location data to find the best candidates

Jaanika Luik avatar
Written by Jaanika Luik
Updated over 9 months ago


Teamdash includes location data on candidate profiles, projects, forms, and databases. This enables recruiters to efficiently match candidates with positions based on proximity to the job site. This feature enhances decision-making by providing crucial information about candidate location, leading to more successful placements.

Candidate locations

A location can be added to a candidate in three ways:

  1. Candidate enters their location when applying

    To ask candidates to enter their location when applying through a form, you must add a field with the type Location to their application forms.

    Type - Location

    Lable - You have the freedom to name it according to its purpose: whether it's the home address, postal code, or town/city.

    Candidate profile target field - Candidate location

  2. Enter Candidate location manually

    You can manually add a candidate location by opening the Edit Candidate view. By starting to type an address, Teamdash generates a select menu for compatible addresses. Make a relevant selection:

  3. The system detects the location automatically

    If a candidate enters Teamdash without specific input, e.g. via Indeed or drag-and-dropping a CV, the system detects whether the CV contains a location, runs an automatic search for that location, and attaches the highest quality result to the candidate as their location.

    Such automatically detected locations will appear on the candidate profile with a small robot icon and an additional confidence parameter showing how likely the system thinks that this is the correct location based on the entered text.

  • Clicking on the robot badge will open a small dropdown showing the original text that was used for the search, and all the other results that were received from the location provider for this result. Clicking on the other results will replace the location stored on the candidate.

Project locations

In addition to storing locations on candidates, it is also possible to store locations on projects. Project locations are reusable, making it possible to quickly attach a location when hiring multiple positions at the same location.

Project locations can be entered in two ways:

  1. Locations menu in Settings

    There is an entry in Settings where all entered Locations can be seen and edited,

    and new Locations can be added. A location needs a name and an actual location data:

  2. When creating or editing a project

    In the Edit Project view, there is a field Locations, where you can select a location from a dropdown of options that have been entered in the Locations menu seen above.

    If you don’t find a suitable location in the dropdown, you can choose “Add new location” and two additional fields will show up, asking for the name and address of the location you wish to enter.

How does adding Locations benefit you?

Radius search in the Talent Pool

If you wish to find e.g. all candidates within a certain radius from a postal code, you can do so in the Talent Pool by adding a search filter for location. The filter allows specifying the radius in either kilometres or miles and a centre point for the search. The distance will be shown in the results next to the location. Clicking on the distance will switch between showing the distance in kilometres or miles, and this is remembered in your browser.

Distance in the Project view

If both the project and candidates have location information, Teamdash shows the distance from the location of that project on the candidate card. Hovering over the distance will show the distance between the project and the candidate. 

Distance will also be shown in the candidate profile when viewed within the project context:

I can't find the location

If you don't find a suitable result, you can click the “I can’t find the location” button at the bottom of the results list.

A tooltip will be shown that your feedback will help us improve the system. This button is only visible for users within Teamdash, it will not appear for candidates filling out public forms.


Teamdash includes location data, enabling recruiters to efficiently match candidates with positions based on proximity to the job site. This feature enhances decision-making by providing crucial information about candidate location, leading to more successful placements. With Locations, recruiters can make informed choices, saving time and resources while optimizing hiring outcomes.

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