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Drag & Drop

The ultimate trick how to get your candidates into Teamdash today

Jaanika Luik avatar
Written by Jaanika Luik
Updated over a year ago

How to move candidates to Teamdash

The basic question on how to get started comes down to the details on how to add your candidates to Teamdash projects. The drag-and-drop solution is a brilliant way how to import data from your inbox or your computer with one smooth click.

Drag & drop from Outlook

You can easily drag and drop candidates into your project stage from the Outlook desktop version. Simply click on one or multiple email previews and drag them into your project stage. This action will automatically create candidate profiles from the conversation and send attachments. But bear in mind that the system is not supported in the Outlook web browser version.

When adding information from email, GDPR compliance will be automatically added with the consent type Until Project End. We assume a candidate has emailed you with their submission wish and you have a legitimate interest in data processing. You can find the GDPR status on the candidate profile under the GDPR tab.

Drag & drop from your computer

If you have a CV as a PDF on your computer, you can easily drag and drop the file into the project stage and Teamdash generates a Candidate Profile from it.

In addition, you can drag and drop additional files to add to a candidate profile. Just open the Candidate Profile view and drop the files on the Basic tab. This will work with any file type, whether you have a picture, a PDF file, a Word file, or even an Excel file.

Candidate form with pre-filled data

In cases where the system identifies more than one email address, phone number, or other personal information, a modal will appear, prompting you to select the correct information to add to the candidate profile.

If Drag and Drop fails

Drag and Drop fails when using the Browser version or when you have updated to the newest version.

Dragging and dropping messages and attachments is currently not supported in the New Outlook for Windows. As a workaround, you can switch back to the classic Outlook at any time by clicking the toggle button at the top of the right corner of the window.

Tip] Show or Hide “Try New Outlook” Toggle Option in Microsoft Outlook  Titlebar – AskVG

If the import fails and you get an error message

Please see the content of the error message and let our support team help you.

In addition, you can check the file size. Teamdash currently supports a maximum file size of 25MB for uploads.

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