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Zoom integration

How to integrate the Teamdash scheduler with Zoom.

Karl-Sander Erss avatar
Written by Karl-Sander Erss
Updated over a year ago

Enabling the integration

  1. Open settings

  2. Navigate to Integrations

  3. Click + Add integration

  4. From the Type dropdown, choose Zoom calls

  5. Give the integration a name

  6. Click Save

  7. You'll be redirected to Zoom to authenticate and give the appropriate permissions

You can see the generated Zoom links when you schedule video interviews with candidates.

Usage instructions

When you have Zoom integration enabled, all interview participants will get an email with the zoom link.

Removing the integration

In Teamdash

1. Open Settings

2. Navigate to Integrations

3. Click on Zoom integration

4. Turn off Enable integration

5. Click Save

In Zoom

1. Log in to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace

2. Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the "Teamdash" app

3. Click the "Teamdash" app

4. Click Remove

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