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Interview scheduling

Reduce the time spent on arranging interviews

Triin Elias avatar
Written by Triin Elias
Updated over a week ago

The Interview Scheduler tool

Teamdash offers you the tool to arrange interview times 50% faster. You can create interview invites that include a confirmation link where candidates can book a suitable time. You can add your hiring managers or clients as interviewers and keep them automatically up to date with new upcoming interviews. With Microsoft integrations, you can view your schedule and shared calendars inside Teamdash.

In this article, you find a detailed video introduction to the tool. In addition, we've highlighted the 3 types of scheduling and their main benefits.

Scheduling types

In Teamdash, you can choose between 3 different types of interview scheduling. They differ in a way how you can propose times for the candidates and manage the sent availability.

Specific slots

  • When composing an invite, the recruiter can choose specific time slots to offer to the selected candidates.

  • With the MS Calendar integration, you can see the Busy slots and availabilities for all participants set in the "Recruiters" field (interviewers).

  • You can enable the option to book proposed time slots as tentative events for interviewers.

  • The candidates will see a list of proposed times. They can choose and confirm a suitable one.

  • The Specific Slots type can be used to arrange Group interviews. 

The Specific Slots type is a good option when you want to send out a very strict and controlled selection of possible interview times. It allows you clearly limit the time frame for the planned interview stage. As the selection is set manually, the management of offered times and tentative times is manual as well.

Any time when available

  • When composing an invite, the recruiter can set up a Calendar view that is accessible to candidates via the sent link.

  • The set-up includes the availability period, available days, and available hours.

  • With the MS Calendar integration, the public Calendar table updates itself automatically. The candidates can only book times, that are available for all interviews, who have been added to the interview invite. 

The Any Time When Available type is a good option when you have multiple projects in progress and you need to engage different hiring managers in the interview stages. It's a lot more automated way to share the availabilities of you and your managers.


The Pre-scheduled interview scheduling type differs significantly from the first two. This allows you to directly send out a Calendar event with the optional call link.

  • The tool assumes the interview time has been agreed on outside of Teamdash (via a phone call).

  • The option allows you to bring all agreements into Teamdash and keep everything in one place.

  • You can skip the step for generating a booking link for the candidate.

  • You can skip the step of sending out an invitation email to confirm a time.

  • The candidate will just receive an event invite as a confirmation of the already agreed time slot.

Frequently Asked Questions

I try to send out an invitation but I get an error “Please add the [invite_url] merge tag!”?

Yes, the email must contain a link from where the candidate can confirm a suitable time. Just click on the merge tag [invite_url] underneath the message body. It will automatically be inserted into the email and when sending out the letter, the tag will generate a unique link to all receivers! Be sure the tags are separated from the text by space.

I prepared myself an interview invite template but it’s not in the Templates selection.

Our message templates have different types and are automatically filtered to match current activity. Be sure to check the template type to match your activity.

I added a link to the interview invite but I didn’t receive a calendar invite or a video call link?

This probably means your candidates haven’t had a chance to confirm a time yet. The calendar invite will be sent to both parties for a confirmed time. If the invite was created for a video call, the call link will be also generated for a confirmed time and will be added to the calendar invite.

Can I add a video call link to an already-sent interview invite?

No, if the video call function was deactivated, we cannot add a call link afterwards. We suggest you create a new invitation or confirm with the candidate that a call link will be sent to their email upon the agreed interview time. Just use the instant video call feature under the project.

Can I change who is the interviewer?

No, you can not change the information set in the Recruiters field after the invite has been sent out.

Can I undo an interview invite?

No, the invite reaches the candidate's inbox quite instantly. If needed, you can edit open time slots that are offered to candidates.

Can candidates see my personal appointments in the calendar?

No, personal appointments in the calendar appear as "unavailable" in the candidate's view.

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