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Candidate summaries

Work through CVs faster and without bias

Triin Elias avatar
Written by Triin Elias
Updated over 4 months ago

Teamdash AI can generate candidate summaries to help screen and sort out possibly irrelevant applicants. The anonymization options help to prevent bias from project members when assessing CVs.

The Candidate Summaries are available under each Project Stage. By clicking on a Stage menu, Teamdash offers four different options to generate summaries from CVs.

Automatic summaries

  • Off - default candidate preview; you see a full profile (compliant with role access rights).

  • Only summary - can see a candidate summary, the candidate name is anonymized. All candidate previews include a bullet listed summary of relevant CV when hovering over More Info:

  • Anonymized CV - can see a candidate summary. In addition to the anonymized name and More Info, you can view an anonymized version of the applicant CV. Just hover over the CV icon:

  • With summary - can see a candidate name with a summary.
    This is a convenient way to generate CV summaries, but all personal details and CV will remain open as with Summaries Off.

How will other users see the candidates?

The automatic summaries can be set by admin and regular users. If a Stage is set to show candidates with any of the summary types, it will automatically apply to all users who can access the project.

If you have a hiring manager or client added as a limited user to the project:

  • They can not change stage settings.

  • The candidates will be visible according to settings (with set summaries).

  • Limited users can move candidates to another stage. Make sure all stages visible for limited users are set to comply with your recruitment process.

    For example, if only one stage is set to show candidates with anonymized CVs, the second stage without summaries will show personal details:

Can AI give trustworthy recommendations?

The AI is a good helping tool, but it needs to be used wisely. The AI needs to be given input and context on what are your goals and who are you searching for.

Teamdash has built in workflows to guide the AI take information from:

  • Position name.

    • A descriptive name works best.

  • Project description field.

    • This is an internal field visible only on the Project Edit view.

    • Add free text to describe the requirements and skills the candidate must meet.

    • Add free text to guide the AI to look and prefer some qualities and experiences.

    • Give AI instructions on how you wish to see the results. Prefer summaries in your native language? Tell the AI.

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